Friday, April 9, 2010

Jacuzzi Time!

My parent's were nice enough to invite my friends and me up to Ojai for the night at the place they did a house swap with. Check out how cool this place is, it's like a little jungle.

When we got there in the afternoon my parents starting barbecuing and everyone had steak & chicken. I opted for salad w/ spinach, cashews, dried fruits (apricots,peaches, pineapple) and sesame vinaigrette, grilled eggplant, hummus & crackers, olives, cucumber slices w/ chili powder, brown sugar, & crushed garlic- there was also brie cheese & dubliner but I did not partake. My mom is the best cook!

I'm trying to look sexy w/ my olives, Tyler is munching is the background ignoring me. Typical.

One of my favorite veggies
Awesome fireplace

This is where my night ended up

1 comment:

  1. Hi Canda
    What ever you are look great, Love your photos. Need some great recipes


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