I've been celebrating my true Latina roots over the past couple of days. Just kidding, I'm not Latina (even though some people think I look like I am) but you would think I grew up in Mexico considering the amount of Mexican food I've been eating over the past couple of days.
Taco Tuesday

Back to the Starbucks, are you really surprised? I doubt it. The Mojo Mountain Mix bar was a new one for me. It was pretty decent, but I'm not a fan of chocolate (i know i'm crazy) and it had lots of dark chocolate chips.
I had to drive up to LA w/ mi madre for a doctor's appointment, which was a good excused to stop by Whole Foods afterwards for an early lunch.
I had the setian sandwich which was super tasty. It had lots of creamy vegenaise, spinach, sliced cucmbers, and grilled seitan. Nom, nom, nom.
When I saw the sign for 'Kombucha on tap' I wasn't expecting it to be literally on tap... this was even better than being at a real bar (maybe that's pushing it).
I had a mix of both (ginger & berry). 20 oz of deliciousness.

The Kombucha almost held off my appetite until the evening, save for a couple of dates that semi resemble cockroaches. Ick!
Later on I met up with Cami at the Balboa Bay Club and had a tea party.
For dinner I met up w/ Dru and Rav and we dined at El Ranchito. Of course this entailed eating a redonkulous amount of chips, guac, & salsa.
Dru made friends w/ the waitress and convinced her to hook me u w/ a $2 veggie taco. It had grilled peppers, shrooms, and onions.
Post dinner we were feeling stuffed but miraculously were able to wobble ourselves next door to enjoy watching the sunset at The Rooftop. This place has the most amazing view of the ocean in Laguna Beach. We tried to get in before dinner but the wait was 45 minutes.
Long island ice tea, mojto, and a diet coke for me because I was the DD- drinking & driving is never cool.
Even though I wasn't drinking I did snag some of the sugar cane off of Raveena's drink. Check out the scowl on Dru's face, she looks a bit upset haha.
Rav & Me
Cinco De Mayo
I started my day off w/ a Starbucks on my way back up to UCLA for another Dr appointment errr. Once again we made a trip to Whole Foods for lunch afterwards; this time I went to the salad bar.
Salad with tomatoes, spinach, kale, onions, corn, edamame, olives. Carbage on the side consisting of Israeli couscous and Indian couscous.
All drenched in a mix of tahini & honey mustard dressing. This was so filling I couldn't eat it all in one sitting & ended up munching on the rest of the greens during the car ride home.

Of course I had some more Kombucha on tap, this time all ginger.

More ice coffee! My second one of the day- I couldn't resist the Starbucks in the grocery store when we were shopping for our Cinco De Mayo dinner.

mmm Cerveza con limon
Look at how pretty our Cinco de Mayo table is...

I had lots of salad, tortilla chips, and a burrito.
This burrito was filled to the brim with meatless ground 'meat', mexican rice, guac, & salsa. It was drenched in hot sauce.
Even though I didn't have any dessert these cupcakes were too cute to not take a pic of them.
Hello cute little monkeys.
those monkey's are cute! the one of the bottom left looks a little cross-eyed 8-)